MIA: History: ETOL: Document: Middle East: Fourth International
Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line
Middle East
Articles from
Fourth International
Volume V, Number 1 (Whole No.40), January 1944
Lebanon’s Fight for Independence, by Marc Loris
Volume VI, Number 12 (Whole No.61), December 1945
Middle East at the Crossroads, by T. Cliff
On the Jewish Problem, by Leon Trotsky
Volume VII, Number 1 (Whole No.62), January 1946
Middle East – The Role of Zionism, by T. Cliff
Volume VII, Number 2 (Whole No.63), February 1946
Stalinism in the Middle East, by T. Cliff
Volume VII, Number 3 (Whole No.64), March 1946
Plight of the European Jews (Review of the Month)
Volume VII, Number 5 (Whole No.66), May 1946
Stalin and Iran (Review of the Month)
Volume VII, Number 7 (Whole No.68), July 1946
Condition in Egypt Today, by J. Damien
Volume VII, Number 9 (Whole No.70), September 1946
A New British Provocation in Palestine, by T. Cliff
Volume VII, Number 10 (Whole No.71), October 1946
Zionism and the Jewish Question in Near East (Review of the Month)
The Jewish Question: The Bases for a Scientific Study of Jewish History, by A. Leon
Volume VII, Number 11 (Whole No.72), November 1946
Volume VII, Number 12 (Whole No.73), December 1946
The Decline of Capitalism and the Jewish Tragedy, by A. Leon
Volume VIII, Number 3 (Whole No.76), March 1947
Zionism, by A. Leon
Volume VIII, Number 4 (Whole No.77), April 1947
Jewish Question Since World War II, by Ernest Germain
Some Features of Capitalist Economy in the Colonies, by T. Cliff
Volume VIII, Number 6 (Whole No.79), June 1947
A. Leon, by Ernest Germain
Volume VIII, Number 6 (Whole No.79), June 1947
The World Struggle for Oil, by T. Cliff
Volume IX, Number 1 (Whole No.83), January-February 1948
Draft Theses on the Jewish Question Today, by the I.S. of 4th International
Volume IX, Number 3 (Whole No. 85), May 1948
Against the Stream – The Trotskyist Position in Palestine
Volume X, Number 9 (Whole No.99), October 1949
Zionism and the Middle East, by S. Munier
Notes on the Israeli Economy, by a Palestinian Trotskyist
Volume XIII, Number 2 (Total No.115), March-April 1952
Anti-Imperialist Struggle in Egypt, by S. Munier
Volume XIII, Number 5 (Total No.118), September-October 1952
The Military Coup in Egypt, by S. Munir
Last updated 6.11.2008