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Dissident Cuban Communism
The Case of Trotskyism, 1932-1965
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Glossary of Spanish Terms

abecedario member of the ABC organisation in Cuba.
antillano inhabitant of the Caribbean islands.
aparato apparatus.
Aprista supporter of Victor Haya de la Torre’s ‘Second Revolution’ thesis and member of his Latin American APRA movement.
Auténtico supporter of the Partido Revolucionario Cubano (Auténtico) led by Ramón Grau San Martín.
caudillo political leader who rules through a combination of armed might and personalised control.
central large sugar producing complex which includes not only mills but also cane fields and living areas for workers.
Chibasismo anti-corruption political movement led by Eduardo Chibás.
colono sugar cane planter who sold his cane to large sugar mills.
combatiente participant in the 1956-58 insurrection against the regime of Fulgencio Batista in both the urban and rural fields of operation.
continuismo self-perpetuation of the Batista regime in the 1940s.
cooperativismo spirit of co-operation between pro-capitalist political parties in the late 1920s around President Gerardo Machado.
Fidelista political supporter of Fidel Castro.
foco area in which a small group of armed revolutionaries operates.
guantanameño from/of the city of Guantánamo.
Guiterismo militant anti-imperialist ideology which advocated armed struggle and the imposition of a popular dictatorship in the 1930s. It underpinned the activity of the Joven Cuba organisation led by Antonio Guiteras.
Guiterista political supporter of Antonio Guiteras and Joven Cuba.
habanero from/of the city of Havana.
independentismo spirit of winning political independence from Spain.
indigenismo indigenism, pro-Indian political movement.
junta assembly/council.
la patria the independent homeland.
latifundista person who benefited from and supported the rural system of production based on large landed estates.
llano urban underground movement supporting the Rebel Army.
Machadista supporter of the regime of President Gerardo Machado in the late 1920s and early 30s.
mambisa liberator or guerrilla fighter during the Ten Years’ War of 1868-78.
matancero from/of the city of Matanzas.
mujalista supporter of the corrupt state-sponsored trade unionism led by Eusebio Mujal in the 1950s.
oriental from/of the province of Oriente.
ortodoxia the political movement founded by Eduardo Chibás which stood out against Auténtico corruption and for a return to a moderate nationalist programme.
pesepista member of the PSP, the Popular Socialist Party, in Cuba.
pistolero hoodlum/gangster.
santiaguero from/of the city of Santiago de Cuba.
sierra rebel movement in the countryside led by Fidel Castro.
zafra sugar cane harvest.


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