Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Revolution (CFB)

Revolution was the theoretical journal of the National Committee of the Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist). Five issues appeared. Starting with Volume 2, it became the theoretical journal of the Revolutionary Communist League of Britain (see separate listing).

1. June 1976

Resolution of the Third Conference of the Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist). (February 1976)

Build the Revolutionary Communist Party to Lead the Revolution!

Reply to the Resignation letter of the Coventry group

Boldly combat social democracy in the struggle to overthrow capitalism

Smash opportunism to win the proletarian vanguard!

Lower and deeper into the proletariat – a self-criticism. (JT)

2. October 1976

Eternal Glory to the Great leader and Teacher Chairman Mao Tsetung: letter to the Central committee of the Communist Party of China from the National Committee of the CFB(ML)

Eternal Glory to Our Great leader and Teacher Chairman Mao Tsetung


The Working Class grows strong by fighting errors within its ranks: criticism of the founding statements of the Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

Revisionism is bourgeois ideology dressed up as Marxism: criticism of the article in MLQ #3 called “Revisionism and the anti-revisionism movement”

Combat Intellectualism to transform the class stand of the Communist Federation of Britain

Enver Hoxha, On the Intellectuals

Build Communist bases in the working class

3. January 1977


Unity is the aim of struggle

Active ideological struggle is the key link in party building.

Against Opportunist attacks on CPC foreign policy

Integrate the universal truths of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of the British revolution!

4. April 1977


Grasp Democratic centralism!

Chiang Hsueh-yuan, Democratic centralism in party committees

Combat Women’s Oppression: mobilise women for the socialist revolution

Women’s Emancipation

5. May 1977


Message to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the publication of Volume Five of the “Selected Works of Mao Tsetung”

Call to the British Marxist-Leninist Movement

On the Ten Major Relationships

Grasp firmly the mass line in base-building

The ’British Road’: an opportunist path to counter-revolution

Transform the family into as fighting unit of the proletariat