Australian History, Victorian Labour College 1937.
Source: "Reason in Revolt",
Source documents of Australian Radicalism.
Published: The Industrial Printing and Publicity Co. Ltd., N.S., date unknown.
Transcription/HTML: Kevin Goins.
Public Domain: Marxists Internet Archive (2007). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit
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Ten Reasons why you should join the College
Do you wish to have a free mind?
College Classes are Different. No Cramming! Free Discussion. No Fees.
Affiliated Unions and the Trades Hall Council make this possible.
ECONOMIC CLASS. Every worker should study economics. The subject is no a difficult one, since it is related to his work and means of living. We guarantee that every worker who attends will be interested in the material enclosed.
Mondays October 4, 18; November 1, 15 and 29; December 13
LABOR HISTORY AND POLITICS. This subject is as important as economics. It covers the field of industrial matters and every-day politics. You will find plenty of material in this class to answer the anti-Labor propagandist.
Tuesdays October 12, 26; November 9, 23; December 7
UNION PRINCIPLES, PROCEDURE AND ADMINISTRATION. Three lectures, because of their special interest, will be repeated in this series. Mr. R. D. Lynch, Chartered Accountant, and Auditor to many unions, will give two lectures on Commercial Accounts and Trade Union Accounts. Those who desire to understand balance sheets and who wish to study union and municipal finance should attend this lecture.
Mr. James Wilkinson, the Trades Hall Council Representative on the Workers Compensation Board, will deal with compensation for injury. Many union officers as well as union members should attend to gain information on this important subject. Mr. Wilkinsons experience is unique. As new problems are arising daily it is important that every union officer should be aware of latest developments.
Wednesday, October 20: COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS. R. D. Lynch.
Wednesday, November 3: TRADES UNION ACCOUNTS. R. D. Lynch.
Wednesday, November 17: WORKERS COMPENSATION FOR INJURY. J. Wilkinson.
PUBLIC SPEAKING AND ENGLISH. Those who listen to Parliament on the air need no pressing invitation to attend this class. Your contribution to any discussion will be improved by some attention to the manner of delivery and the right selection of words to convey your meaning.
Wednesdays October 13, 27; November 10, 24; December 8