MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of Periodicals
Militant (New York 1928-)
The Militant [New York] was published as the journal of the U.S. Trotskyist movement beginning with issue Volume 1, No. 1 Nov. 15, 1928. As the Trotskyist movement fused and split over the next 10 years, the paper, like the name of the movement itself, went trough several permunations (always published in New York): Communist League of America, 1928-34; New Militant, published by the Workers Party of the United States, Dec. 15, 1934 – June 6, 1936; Socialist Appeal (see below) from 1936 through 1941; The Militant, again, published by the Socialist Workers Party, 1941-present.
Collection digitized byMarty Goodman, MD, Riazanov Library Project