Encyclopedia of Marxism: I


Idea Idealism
Idealist conception of History Identity Politics
Identity, the Law of Ideology
Ideology (Althusser) Il-sung, Kim (1912-1994)
Illusory Being [or Semblance] Ilyenkov, Evald Vasilyevich (1924-1979)
Immediate knowledge Imperialism
Impossibilism In and For Itself
In Defense of Bolshevism (1937-1941) In Itself
Inber, Vera (1890-1972) Independent Labour Party
Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany Indian National Congress
Individual Individualism and Collectivism
Induction Industrial Organizer (1941-1942)
Industrial Union Bulletin / Industrial Worker (1907 - 1913) Industrial Workers of the World
Inflation Inkpin, Albert (1884-1944)
Instrumental Reason and Communicative Reason Instruments of Labour
Intellectual Property Inter-District Organisation of United Social-Democrats
International and the War International Council Correspondence Living Marxism (1934-1943)
International Left Opposition International News (1935/1950)
International Socialism (1958-1978) International Socialism (London 1958-1978)
International Socialist Bureau (I.S.B.) International Socialist Review, The (all three publications with the same name)
International Women's Day (March 8) International Working Mens Association
Internationale group Internationalism
Internationalist, The (1997-present) Intuition
Intuitionism Invisible Hand
Iron Curtain Iskra (Spark)
Italian Socialist Party Izvestia (News)
Izvestia Soveta Rabochikh Deputatov (Bulletin of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies) Izvestia Vserossiiskogo Soveta Krestyanskikh (News of the All-Russia Soviet of Peasants' Deputies)