MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Formating Guidelines
Word Placement
People: Any individual
Events: A time and place when something significant happened.
Places: A significant place.
Terms: Any idea/concept. (i.e. if it isn't material, it belongs here.)
Periodicals: Any newspaper, magazine, etc.
Organisations: Any established group, party, government, dynasty, tribe, etc.
Anchors are the whole term name in lowercase. Multiple words are seperated by a hypthen. Neither accents nor apostrophes are printed in anchors.
Other caveats: When a term can have a plural form (eg. Communist/Communists) make an anchor for both. On names: Last name first, then first name. Finally, the words: "the", "of", "and" should not be in anchors (this applies to foreign equivalents as well).
ex. "The League of Peace and Freedom" is anchored as:
"league-peace-freedom"When a term has four or more words it can have two anchors. The first will be the normal anchor, with the full term written out. The second anchor will be the first letter of every word.
ex. German Social-Democratic Workers' Party
"german-social-democratic-workers-party" and
All words linked within a definition should be links to other terms within the Encyclopedia. So for example, if I link to the word Communist here, because the link is being made within the text, it should be going to another definition. When linking to material outside the Encyclopedia (like a book in the Writers Archive) put the linked materials at the end of the definition in a new paragraph stating "Further Reading".
It is good practice to link to other terms we have within your definitions; for example, explaining that a person was a Mensehvik and later a member of the Provisional Government; Menshevik and Provisional government should both be links to those definitions in the Encyclopedia. This isn't always good, for example, when an idealist talks about Socialism, we don't want to link Socialism, unless we have a Utopian definition for Socialism, so that following the link would make sense to the reader.
Finally. Do not assume we have a term. Even something that seems "obvious" that we would have. Don't rely on someone making the definition "soon". Links need to work. So keep your links to things that exist, ie, if you aren't certain, have a look, make sure it is there. Use a link validator to make sure your links work good.
Inline pictures should be a width not exceeding 100 pixels.
Images, and all other forms of media, go into the /glossary/media directory, structured by thier glossary (places, terms, etc), then letter. Sub directories should be created when it is expected that a particular word will have several photos associated with it (eg: glossary/media/places/u/ussr/)