M.I.A. Library: Lev Vygotsky
Lev Vygotsky Archive
“‘Marxist’ psychology ... is developing before our eyes, ... it does not yet have its own methodology and attempts to find it ready-made in the haphazard psychological statements of the founders of Marxism, not to mention the fact that to find a ready-made formula of the mind in the writings of others would mean to demand ‘science before science itself.” Consciousness as a problem in the psychology of behavior.
Obituary by Alexander Luria, 1935
On Vygotsky’s Creative Development, by A. N. Leontyev, 1979Works:
The methods of reflexological and psychological investigation, based on his January 1924 presentation to the 2nd All-Russian Congress on Psychoneurology.
The Psychology of Art, (written 1917) 1925
Consciousness as a problem in the Psychology of Behavior, 1925
Educational Psychology, 1926
Historical meaning of the crisis in Psychology, 1927
The Problem of the Cultural Development of the Child, 1929
The Fundamental Problems of Defectology, 1929
Primitive Man and his Behavior, c. 1930
The Socialist alteration of Man, 1930
The Instrumental Method in Psychology, 1930
Mind, Consciousness. the Unconscious, 1930
Adolescent Pedagogy, 1931
Research Method, 1931
Analysis of the Higher Mental Functions, 1931
Structure of the Higher Mental Functions, 1931
Genesis of Higher the Mental Functions, 1931
Conclusion to Higher the Mental Functions, 1931
The Development of Speech, 1931
Tool and symbol in child development, 1930s
On the Problem of the Psychology of the Actor’s Creative Work, 1932
Play and its role in the Mental development of the Child, 1933
Thinking and Speech, 1934
The problem of the environment, 1934
The Problem of Consciousness, 1934
The Problem of Age, 1934
The Vygotsky Reader, from Leiden University
Subject Archive: Vygotsky on Literature and Art
Table of Contents for L S Vygotsky’s Collected Works
Л. С. Выготский (Русский)
The “Vygotsky School”:
A N Leontyev Archive
A R Luria Archive
Alexander Meshcheryakovov Archive
Feliks Mikhailov Archive
Evald Ilyenkov ArchiveGenealogy of Cultural Historical Activity Theory (diagram)
Further reading:
Lev Vygotsky – Revolutionary Scientist, Fred Newman and Lois Holzman
Comment on Vygotsky's Thinking and Speaking, Jean Piaget 1962
Methods for investigating concepts, Leonid Sakharov 1928
Lectures on the Work of the Cerebral Hemisphere, Pavlov, 1924
The Development of the Child, A R Luria, 1930
The Construction of Reality in the Child, Jean Piaget, 1955
Vygotsky and the Dialectical Method, Andy Blunden 1997
Soviet Cultural Psychology, Andy Blunden 2009
Google Site Search Archive maintained by Andy Blunden.
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