Marxist Writers: Peter Sedgwick
Peter Sedgwick
Internet Archive
1934 – 1983
Peter Sedgwick was born in 1934 and brought up in Liverpool. He gained a scholarship to Balliol College Oxford where he became a communist, leaving the Communist Party in 1956 with other members of the early New Left. He then joined the Socialist Review Group later to become the International Socialists. He wrote brilliantly for the group’s press, but also involved himself deeply in all the drudgery and activities of the rank rank-and and-file members. He was always a free spirit and was bitterly opposed to the International Socialism group renaming itself as a the Socialist Workers Party in 1976 refusing to join the new organisation while always remaining a man dedicated to the far left. He was editing the works of Victor Serge at the time of his death.
1 January 1959
Autumn 1959
12 February 1960
Spring 1960
July 1960
November 1960
The Mind Of An Assassin (book review)
December 1960
Winter 1960/61
January 1961
Liquidating the Thirties (book review)
March 1961
Russia’s bomb (letter)
April 1961
Review (review)
May 1961
July 1961
Autumn 1961
Stalinism without Stalin (review)
December 1961
Winter 1961/62
The Last Time It Happened (review)
The Reader’s Digest (short story)
Spring 1962
Reason in Revolt (review)
March 1962
August 1962
Sedgwick disagrees with Rex ... (review)
Autumn 1962
Historical Materialism (review)
Winter 1962
Caucasian Circles (review)
12 December 1962
Winter 1962
States Of Emergency (review)
Introduction to Victor Serge, Memoirs of a Revolutionary (review)
Spring 1963
The Left Reformist (review)
Autumn 1963
Defending Russia (review)
Autumn 1963
School Psychology (review)
Autumn 1963
Spring 1964
Original Marxism (review)
August 1964
Autumn 1964
France Goes Pop (review)
Winter 1964/65
Colonial Sequelæ (review)
Winter 1964/65
International Nostalgia (review)
Winter 1964/65
Soviets Without Socialism (review)
Winter 1964/65
Whose Maturity? (review)
1 May 1965
1 July 1965
Autumn 1965
Life with Auntie (review)
Autumn 1965
Theory at the Hour of Wilson (review article)
Autumn 1965
Too Involved (review)
15 February 1966
14 March 1966
Spring 1966
7 April 1966
No noose is good noose (with Harry Goode)
Summer 1966
Doing Time (review)
Summer 1966
5 August 1966
Autumn 1966
Hash Rehashed (review)
Winter 1966/67
Behaviour and Action (review)
Spring 1967
Too Much, Too Soon (review)
Winter 1967/68
Thoughts in a Dry Season (review)
Winter 1967/68
Tragedy of the Tragedian: An appreciation of Isaac Deutscher
January 1968
Autumn 1968
Anarchy and Organisation (review)
9 November 1968
Winter 1968/69
They’re talking about me (review)
April 1969
The French May ... (review)
8 May 1969
Be careful with nicknames (letter) (with Bob Looker)
8 May 1969
Inspiring – the early struggle for the revolution in Britain (review)
June 1969
10 July 1969
The appalling silence and inactivity of the British Left as Biafrans face death and starvation ...
13 November 1969
February 1970
The Polish Spring (review)
February 1970
The Problem of Fascism (review)
12 February 1970
Russell – the eagle (obituary)
April 1970
An Electoral Strategy for the Left (polemic)
May-June 1970
10 June 1970
15 August 1970
January 1972
5 February 1972
Who’s Mad – You or the System? (review)
11 March 1972
13 May 1972
13 May 1972
11 November 1972
18 November 1972
9 December 1972
23 December 1972
Endpiece: What chance for the big man’s widow? [+ Black Panthers] (review)
The Allied Part in the Czechoslovak Intervention
(Editorial Postscript to Year One of the Russian Revolution)12 May 1973
Guevara’s other great love (review)
4 August 1973
Death of a Community (review)
February 1975
The return of Bukharin (extended review article)
December 1976
Editor’s Note To The 1978 Impression of Victor Serge, Memoirs of a Revolutionary
A Return to First Things (review article)
The Ethical Dance (review article)
Date unknown
Last updated on 14.9.2012