MIA: Comintern Writers: Communist Party of Great Britain: CPGB Writers: Harry Pollitt Archive
Harry Pollitt
1922: A Challenge
1923: The Issues Before the Trades Union Congress
1923: Lessons of Plymoth: it’s challenge to our Party
1923: The Trades Councils Conference
1923: The British Unions at Plymouth1925: Against British Capitalism in Egypt, Eastern Bureau of the Comitern
1927: The Conference of Executives
1928: Pollitt’s Reply to Citrine
1933: The United Front in Great Britain
1935: The Influence of Socialist Construction in the U.S.S.R. on Workers in Capitalist Countries
1937: In Memory of the British Comrade Who Have Fallen in Spain
1937: The Twentieth Anniversary and its Lessons for British Workers
1937: International Unity Can Bring Peace to Spain and Europe
1937: The Twentieth Anniversary and Great Britain
1938: The Coming General Election
1938: On the Eve of the Indian National Congress, with R. Palme Dutt and Ben Bradley
1938: Trial of the Group of Conspirators of the ‘Bloc of Rights and Trotskyists’: The Crushing of the Traitors – A Triumph for Peace and Socialism
1938: Speeches to the Fifteenth CPGB Congress, 16-19 September
1940: The Communist Party and the Labour Party
1942: Unity For Victory in 1942
1945: Why you should be a Communist
1949: Greetings to the Delegates of the Twenty-First Party Congress
1949: Political Report to the Twenty-First Party Congress
1936: Shapurji Saklatvala
1937: Ralph Fox
1941: Tom Mann
1935: With Dimitrov at the Seventh Congress of the Comintern
1955: Pollitt meeting Mao