George Padmore Archive
George Padmore
Never let it be forgotten that “Labour with a white skin cannot emancipate itself where labour with a black skin is branded.” [Marx, Capital, Chapter 10, 1867]
The Negro Liberation Movement and the International Conference, 1930
The Life and Struggles of Negro Toilers, 1931
“Left” Imperialism and the Negro Toilers, May 1932
Fascism in the Colonies, February 1938
Hands Off the Colonies!, February 1938
An Outrageous Report, March 1938
Why Moors help Franco, May 1938
White Workers and Black, May 1938
The Government’s Betrayal of the Protectorates, June 1938
Labour Unrest in Jamaica, July 1938
West Africans, Watch Your Land, September 1938
Manifesto Against War, 25 September 1938
Police Swoop On Workers’ Leaders In Colonies, 20 October 1939
The British Empire Is Worst Racket Yet Invented By Man, 15 December 1939
Hands Off the Soviet Union, February 1940
Poverty, Disease Is Native’s Lot in West Indies, 17 June 1940
West Indies Need Independence – Not Big Reports, 24 June 1940
A Typical British Colony, December 1940
British Imperialists Treat the Negro Masses Like Nazis Treat the Jews, 1941
Empire “Gauleiters” Greet Each Other, January 1941
West Indians Answer Anglo-U.S. Imperialism, 4 January 1941
Whither the West Indies?, 21 July 1941
Britain’s Black Record, September 1941
The Socialist Attitude to the Invasion of the U.S.S.R., September 1941
Answers to a Questionnaire on the War, November 1941
Blue-Print of Post-War Anglo-American Imperialism, October 1943
Imperialism: The Basis of Labour Party Crisis, June 1944
Chris Jones: Fighter for the Oppressed, September 1944
A Political Review of the Colonies, February 1945
The Voice of Coloured Labour, World Trade Union Conference, 1945
Colonial and Coloured Unity, History of the Pan-African Congress, 1947
Madagascar Fights for Freedom, October 1947
Last updated on: 3 October 2015