Michel Pablo

Michel Pablo (Raptis)


August 1958: The 4th International: what it is, what it aims at
November 1958: The Arab Revolution
August 1972: Self-management in the struggle for socialism



January 1944: The Policy of the Stalinist Parties During the War (as Spero)
May 1945: For a Clear and Consistent Policy on the Question of the USSR and on Stalinism (as Gabriel)
April 1946: On Comrade Morrow’s Reply (as Pablo)
May 1946: On the Slogan of “Workers’ and Farmers’ Government” (as Pablo)
March 1948: The Marshall Plan – I. Its History and Development (as Pablo)
March 1948: The Marshall Plan – II. An Analysis of Its Aims and Limitations (as Pablo)
August 1948: The Yugoslav Affair (as Pablo)
Dec. 1948/Jan. 1949: The Fourth International Since the Outbreak of War, 1939-48 (Report to the 2nd World Congress of the FI)
January 1949: Stalin Switches Slogans – “People’s Democracy” and “Dictatorship of Proletariat”
September 1949: Crisis In The Marshall Plan
October 1949: Evolution of Yugoslav Centrism
January 1950: Yugoslavia and Permanent Revolution
September 1950: Korea and the “Cold War”
January 1951: Where Are We Going?
May 1951: Capitalist Economy and the Atlantic Pact
June 1951: On the Duration and the Nature of the Period of Transition from Capitalism to Socialism
November 1951: World Trotskyism Rearms
March 1952: Disunited Europe – The Balance Sheet of the Marshall Plan
September 1952: Rift in the French Communist Party – Behind the Marty-Tillon Case
December 1952: The 19th Congress of the Russian CP
January 1953: Tito Speaks (book review)
July 1953: The Post-Stalin “New Course”
May 1960: The Liberation of Women

Polemics and Letters

May 1953: Letter from Michel Pablo to George Novack


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Michel Pablo
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Marxist Writers’

Updated on: 10 April 2015