Marx on Social Relations in Russia
Source: Late Marx and the Russian Road, Marx and the ‘peripheries of capitalism’, edited by Teodor Shanin, Monthy Reivew Press, New York, 1983;
Written: March 1881;
First Published: in Russian in 1924 and corrected and in the original German in MEGA, 1985;
Transcribed: by Andy Blunden, May 2014.
Letter from Vera Zasulich to Marx, 16 Feb. 1881
The ‘First’ Draft (4,500 words)
The ‘Second’ Draft (2,000 words)
The Third Draft (2,000 words)
The Fourth Draft (300 words)
Karl Marx: The reply to Zasulich (350 words)
Letter from Marx to Editor of the Otecestvenniye Zapisky