MIA: Marxist Writers: Communist Party of Great Britain: Tom Mann


Tom Mann



Tom Mann





Biography, by Terry McCarthy
Tom Mann: A Tribute, by Harry Pollitt
Tom Mann: ‘A Courageous Man of Vision’, by J.T. Murphy



1886: What the compulsory eight-hour day means to the workers

1890: The Development of the Labour Movement

1891: The regulation of working hours: submission to the Royal Commission on labour

1894: The Independent Labour Party program and the unemployed

1896: A Socialist’s View of Religion and the Churches

1897: The position of dockers and sailors in 1897

1905: Reply to The Age Article on the War of the Classes

1905: Socialism

1909: The Industrial and Social Outlook in Australia

1913: Industrial organisation versus political action: debate between Tom Mann and Arthur M. Lewis

1913: Syndicalism and the State

1914: Latest News From South Africa

1920: Fraternal Greetings to the Communist Unity Convention, the founding of the CPGB

1920: Payment by results: piecework and time work

1921: Russia in 1921: report from the Red International of Labour Unions congress in Moscow

1922: The Great Lock Out

1922: Preface to Americanism, A World Menace

1923: Power Through the General Strike: A Call to Action

1923: Memoirs (html)

1923: Memoirs (PDF, 60Mb)

1933: Tom Mann for the Defense of Chen Du Siu/p>

1934: Protest Chen Du Siu’s Imprisonment


Last updated on 10 February 2016