John Maclean July 1919

Glasgow “Worker” Explains Dublin Suppression.

Source: &“Statement from The Worker,” The Voice of Labour – Official Organ of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union, 5 July 1919, p. 1;
Transcribed: by Ted Crawford.

John MacLean.

As the Capitalist Press in Scotland, as usual, has given distorted statement as to the shooting of policemen the evening of the celebration of Connelly’s birthday, it is only fair that the “Worker” retaliate by publishing the statement I have receive from the Countess Markievicz, although she did not ask me to thus make it public. Readers should particularly note that the splendid “Connolly Souvenir” programme states quite clearly “Proceeds devoted to the establishment of a Connolly Memorial Workers College.”

The argument has incessantly been used that Ireland is under Catholic priests whose game it has been to keep the Irish workers in ignorance. But here are the accusers, the British Capitalist class politicians, openly trying to suppress a Concert, the profits from which shall help to establish an Irish Labour College similar, to the Central Labour College and the Scottish Labour College.

It is apparent that the priests of Capitalism (British and Irish alike) fear the spread of real education amongst, the wage slaves since they understand that an educated working class will fight Capitalism with its robbery and “continuous reign of terror” to the death.

This attempt to nip the Irish Labour College in the bud is in line with the attempt to crush Scotland’s aspiration for a Labour College. Readers may remember my dramatic removal to Edinburgh Castle in February, 1916, just six days before the rest S.L.C. Conference in Glasgow. I had to read the paper outlining the scheme. It was calculated that delegates would stay at home and the scheme burst. But thanks to Scottish dourness, that gathering was a brilliant success, described ultimately in the Labour Press of the world.

Our last one in May proved even more successful, and with the workers united monetary assistance, our College will be the envy of the workers of the world. Let this Dublin deed of darkness fire readers up to a more generous response to our cry for help. And once we have enough in Scotland we shall sand help to Ireland to establish her Connolly College, bedad we will!

The Countess Markievicz’s statement follows, occupying more than a column of the “Worker.” John. concludes his contribution thus: “I believe Lloyd George when he says he is going to make sweeping changes in Ireland (with Big Guns, of course.)”