Marxist Writers: Karl Liebknecht
Karl Liebknecht Internet Archive
“The main enemy is in at home!” – Illegal anti-war leaflet, 1915
The son of Wilhelm Liebknecht, one of the founders of the SPD, Karl Liebknecht trained to be a lawyer and defended many Social Democrats in political trials. He was also a leading figure in the socialist youth movement and thus became a leading figure in the struggle against militarism.
As a deputy in the Reichstag he was one of the first SPD representatives to break party discipline and vote against war credits in December 1914. He became a figurehead for the struggle against the war. His opposition was so successful that his parliamentary immunity was removed and he was improsoned.
Freed by the November revolution he immediately threw himself into the struggle and became with Rosa Luxemburg one of the founders of the new Communist Party (KPD). Along with Luxemburg he was murdered by military officers with the tacit approval of the leaders of the SPD after the suppression of the so-called “Spartacist Uprising” in January 1919.
Militarism and Anti-Militarism, 1907
Where Will Peace Come From?, 1912
Liebknecht’s Protest Against the War Credits, 1914
The Main Enemy Is At Home, 1915
Revolutionary Socialism in Germany, 1916
The Future Belongs to the People
Speeches made since the beginning of the War, 1914-1916To the Workers and Soldiers of the Allied Countries, 1918
Self-Determination of Nations and Self-Defense, date unknown (1915?)
Further reading:
The Junius pamphlet, Rosa Luxemburg, 1915
Rosa Luxemburg Internet Archive
A Letter from Prison by Leo Jogiches 1918
Clara Zetkin Internet Archive
Last updated on: 4.9.2007