Written: Written after August 19, 1915
First published in 1960 in Voprosy Istorii KPSS No. 4.
Sent from Sörenberg to Amsterdam.
Printed from the original.
Translated from the German.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 43,
pages 481b-482.
Translated: Martin Parker and Bernard Isaacs
R. Cymbala
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Dear Comrade Wijnkoop,
Radek writes me he had informed you that the conference (not the Vorkonferenz but the conference itself) was to be held on 5.IX. You, too, probably are already familiar with Radek’s draft. This draft seems to me rather academic (this objection, of course, is unimportant) and—what is far more important—unsatisfactory in regard to the most important point, which is driven home so well, for in stance, in Gorter’s pamphlet, namely: a decisive struggle against opportunism. If we are silent about this before the workers, we shall be hushing up a circumstance without which nothing real can be created.
Will you please let me know your opinion and the opinion of your Central Committee. Also, whether a representative of your party is coming for certain (and if not, would you give Radek a mandate or send a declaration, etc.). If possible, write to England, to the minority of the British Socialist Party; let this minority send either a representative, or at least a declaration. If, as a result of this conference, we receive not only diplomatic conjuring tricks of the leaders (so well ridiculed by Pannekoek), but also a Left Marxist international declaration of principles, it will be a very useful thing.
The group of Belgian internationalists, of whom you know, should also send a declaration or give you a mandate (sections of parties will certainly be admitted too). An anti-chauvinist opposition to Vandervelde—however small—would be extremely important. It is the first step that counts!
Awaiting your reply,
With S.D. greetings,
N. Lenin
P.S. I enclose the draft declaration (in French)—I have not yet had time to discuss it with my friends. Tomorrow I shall send this draft to Comrade Radek.
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