Vperyod, No. 3, January 24 (11), 1905.
Published according to the text in Vperyod.
Collected Works,
Foreign Languages Publishing House,
Volume 8,
page 71.
Translated: Bernard Isaacs and The Late Isidor Lasker
R. Cymbala
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Geneva, January 10 (23)
The working class, which would seem to have stood aside for a long time from the bourgeois opposition movement, has raised its voice. With incredible speed the broad masses of the workers have caught up with their advanced comrades, the class-conscious Social-Democrats. The workers’ movement in St. Petersburg these days has made gigantic strides. Economic demands are giving way to political demands. The strike is turning into a general strike and it has led to an unheard-of colossal demonstration; the prestige of the tsarist name has been ruined for good. The uprising has begun. Force against force. Street fighting is raging, barricades are being thrown up, rifles are crackling, guns are roaring. Rivers of blood are flowing, the civil war for freedom is blazing up. Moscow and the South, the Caucasus and Poland are ready to join the proletariat of St. Petersburg. The slogan of the workers has become: Death or freedom! Today and tomorrow a great deal will be decided. The situation changes with every hour. The telegraph brings breath-taking news, and all words now seem feeble in comparison with the events we are living through. Everyone must be ready to do his duty as a revolutionary and as a Social-Democrat.
Long live the insurgent proletariat!
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