First published in 1925 in Lenin Miscellany III.
Sent from London to Zurich.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 43,
pages 81b-82.
Translated: Martin Parker and Bernard Isaacs
R. Cymbala
Public Domain:
Lenin Internet Archive
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23.IV. 02
Dear P. B.,
Here’s my new address (which I would earnestly request you not to give to anyone, not even League members, with the exception of those who stand closest to us, such as L. Gr. or B. N.; let the others write to the Alexeyev address as before, and outsiders to the Dietz address. If possible, when talking with people try systematically to speak of Munich instead of London and the people in Munich in stead of Londoners).
Mr. Jacob Richter (Holford) 30. Holford Square. Pentonville. London W. C.
Berg has probably already left; I got a letter from him today saying that he was leaving on Thursday. If he is still there, tell him that if he does not find Alexeyev at home he can go to Richter—it’s only two steps away.
If the “former Economist” (the lady you liked so much) is there, ask her, or, rather, interrogate her closely, whether she mailed the registered letters she was given to send off on April 11, 1902, in Munich. If she did, let her send us the receipts at once. If not, give her a good calling down and ask her where the letters are—better still, let her write us (at the Alexeyev address).
I am sending today by book-post (not registered) some thing very interesting for L. Gr.; let him give it his closest attention.
Has G. V. written the editorial he promised for Iskra No. 20? If so, has it been sent to the printers? Have you sent anything else to the printers? If not, what are we going to do about an editorial? Is it possible that you all have left the question open? Berg writes nothing about this!?!?
Best regards,
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