Marxist Writers: Joseph Hansen
Marxists’ Internet Archive
Joseph Hansen
(1910 – 1979)
Biography [from from their Bio-bibliographical sketches of selected Trotskyists page]
September 1938: “In Stalin’s Realm” – The Russian Workers’ Own Story (extended book review)
December 1938: Gold Is Still Where You Find It (book review)
June 1939: Father Coughlin – Fascist Demagogue (pamphlet – PDF) (as published in Socialist Appeal)
July 1939 Coughlin Delivers Fascist Blast Against Workers Defense Guards (as published in Socialist Appeal)
July 1939 Labor-Haters Pour Money into Growing Coughlin Movement
August/September 1939 Stop Fascism in America! (series)
August 1939 Father Coughlin Attacks American Labor Movement
August 1939 New Masses and Father Coughlin
August 1939 N.Y. Anti-Fascist Protest Sends Coughlinites Scurrying for Cover
September 1939 Gallup Poll Spreads War Propaganda (as H.D. Herrick)
September 1939 Machinery for Dragooning U.S. People into the War Is All Ready (as H.D. Herrick)
September 1939 Secret Bulletin Proves Sixty Families Await F.D.R. War Declaration (series)
August 1940: The Attempted Assassination of Leon Trotsky
October 1940: With Trotsky to the End
November 1940: Trotsky’s Last Battle Against the Revisionists
December 1940: New Ways of War (book review)
January 1941: March of Military Events
February 1941: Burnham’s Attorney Carries On
February 1941: How Stalin Murdered Trotsky
February 1941: How the GPU Murdered Ignace Reiss
March 1941: Why Connolly Didn’t Get More Votes for A.L.P.
March 1941: United May Day Group Meets
June 1941: Burnham’s Managerial Revolution (extended book review)
August 1941: A Speech to the Youth on Trotsky
August 1941: Trotsky Fought Unceasingly Against Life-Long Persecution
November 1941: Four Fronts of World War II
December 1941: On the War Fronts
May 1942: On the War Fronts
November 1942: A Defamer of Trotsky
February 1943: Roosevelt and Spain
May 1943: The Shipbuilding Scandal
October 1943: A Shamefaced Apologist For Fascism
February 1944: How the Trotskyists Went to Jail
September 1944: Trotsky’s Prognosis of Our Epoch
December 1945: Hayek Pleads for Capitalism (book review)
June 1947: A Wall Street Drummer Boy (book review)
September 1947: Evolution of a Renegade
May 1948: New Evidence of Stalin’s Fear
June 1949: Fear and the Bomb (book review)
December 1949: The Problem Of Eastern Europe
July 1950: Stalin’s Frame-Up System
January 1951: The Lysenko Case 1 (with R.H. Monroe)
March 1951: The Lysenko Case 2 (with R.H. Monroe)
January 1953: Letter from Joseph Hansen, Morris Stein and Farrel Dobbs
February 1953: What the New York Discussion Has Revealed
Aug.–Oct. 1953: Is World War III Inevitable? A series of 7 articles from The Militant
Spring 1954: Pablo Approves “New” Economic Policy of Malenkov Regime
Fall 1954: Bernstein’s Challenge to Marx (book review)
Winter 1955: A Liberal Looks at the World Map (book review)
Spring 1955: Peasant and Bureaucrat (book review)
Summer 1955: Soviet Policies in China 1917-1924 (book review)
Fall 1955: No Thaw Yet (book review)
Winter 1956: On the Politics of Outer Mongolia (book review)
Spring 1956: A Psychoanalyst Looks for a Sane Society (book review)
Summer 1956: “But Why Did They Confess?” (book review)
Summer 1957: How To Build An Anti-Monopoly Coalition
Winter 1958: Three Programs for Peace
Spring 1958: Proposed Roads to Soviet Democracy
Summer 1958: The First Four Congresses
Fall 1958: Corliss Lamont on Humanism
Winter 1959: John Gates Tells His Story
Winter 1959: Schweitzer’s Appeals
Summer 1959: Trotsky “Psychoanalyzed”
Summer 1960: Ideology of the Cuban Revolution
1961: No Victory for Nazis
1961: Theory and the Cuban Revolution
Winter 1961 Letter from Joseph Hansen to Larry Trainor
April 1962: Che Guevara and the Cuban Trotskyists
October 1962: Trotskyism and the Cuban Revolution: An Answer to Hoy
November 1962: Cuba – the Acid Test: A Reply to the Ultraleft Sectarians
1963: Reunification of the Fourth International
August 1963: International Report at the Twentieth Convention of the Socialist Workers Party
Winter 1964: Deutscher on Trotsky
Summer 1964: Exchange of Views on Deutscher Biography (Reply to George Breitman)
1965: What the Record Really Shows: The Test of the Cuban Revolution
Fall 1965: A Trotsky Anthology
1966: The Catastrophe in Indonesia [3 articles include 1 by Ernest Mandel]
1966: Healy Reconstructs the Fourth International
Winter 1966: Vietnam and World Politics
Summer 1966: Stalinism or Trotskyism in the Cuban Revolution?
Fall 1966: The Case Against “Pacification” in Vietnam
July 1967: Is Marxism-Leninism Obsolete?
November 1967: The OLAS Conference: Tactics and Strategy of a Continental Revolution
January 1968: Report on the International Situation
April 1971: In Defense of the Leninist Strategy of Party Building
1973: Argentina and Bolivia—The Balance Sheet
May 1975: The Forced Evacuation of Cambodia’s Cities
Last updated on: 22 May 2016