Marxist Writers: Duncan Hallas
Marxists’ Internet Archive
Duncan Hallas
1925 – 2002
“When all is said, the struggle carried on by Trotsky and his followers (with all the weaknesses) did preserve an authentic communist current ... The Fourth International, as a serious proposition, was still-born, but a degree of continuity from the revolutionary period of the Comintern was maintained in the teeth of near-insurmountable difficulties. We are part of that continuity today; the tradition Trotsky fought for is our tradition.” – Trotskyism reassessed
Born into a working class family in Manchester, Duncan Hallas joined the Trotskyist Workers International League while still a young worker during World War II. Conscripted into the army in 1943 he was involved in the great mutiny in Egypt after the end of the War.
Back in Britain he was one of the small number of comrades who rallied around Tony Cliff’s critique of “orthodox” Trotskyism and was a founder member of the Socialist Review Group, the forerunner of today’s British Socialist Workers Party and the International Socialist Tendency.
During the long boom of the 1950s and early 1960s he lost contact with the group although he remained politically active in the teachers’ union and elsewhere. During the great upheaval of 1968 he rejoined the International Socialists, as the organisation was then called. From that time he was a leading member of the organisation, a great populariser of Marxism and an inspired speaker, until ill health forced him out of active politics in 1995.
You can listen to a small selection of talks in the Duncan Hallas Audio Archive.
Oct. 2002
Duncan Hallas – Thinker, orator, revolutionary, by Alex Callinicos (Socialist Review, October 2002)
Jan. 1951
May 1951
July 1951
June 1952
Apr./May 1969
Aug. 1969
Oct./Nov. 1969
Nov. 1969
Feb./Mar. 1970
Paying the Piper (book review)
Jul./Aug. 1970
Western Capitalism: the Latest Phase (extended book review)
Aug. 1970
Trotsky (pamphlet)
Feb./Mar. 1971
Stalinism in Britain (book review)
March 1971
The Meaning of Marxism (pamphlet)
Apr./May 1971
Gramsci (book review)
Apr./May 1971
Lukacs’ Lenin (book review) (written as Fred Hall)
Sept. 1971
Oct. 1971
February 1972
March 1972
March 1972
March 1972
Marxism and Terrorism (with Jim Higgins)
Apr./June 1972
The thought of Karl Marx (review) (written as Fred Hall)
July/Sept. 1972
Guides to Action (review) (written as Fred Hall)
Oct./Dec. 1972
Oct./Dec. 1972
Oct./Dec. 1972
Revolutions (review) (written as Fred Hall)
Oct./Dec. 1972
Socialist Economics (book review)
Jan. 1973
Jan. 1973
Seedtime and Harvest (book review)
Mar. 1973
Mar. 1973
War of Intervention (review) (written as Fred Hall)
Mar. 1973
May 1973
Reforming the Labour Party? (book review)
June 1973
July 1973
Dec. 1973
The First Shop Stewards’ Movement (extended book review)
Dec. 1973
Revolutionaries (book review)
Feb. 1974
April 1974
May 1974
May 1974
Socialism Now (book review)
May 1974
The Socialist Register 1973 (book review)
Oct. 1974
Dec. 1974
The Class Struggle in Eastern Europe (book review)
Dec. 1974
Jan. 1975
Feb. 1975
Centrist Currents (review articles)
Feb. 1975
A note of qualification (editorial comment)
Mar. 1975
Letter to Readers (editorial comment)
June 1975
Building the Revolutionary Party (extended book review)
July 1975
Letter to Readers (editorial comment)
Jan. 1976
Feb. 1976
March 1976
Communism and Stalinism: On John Gollan’s Socialist Democracy Some Problems
May 1976
June 1976
All Power to the Soviets 1 (extended book review)
July 1976
All Power to the Soviets 2 (extended book review)
July 1976
Karl Marx: Man and Fighter (book review)
Sept. 1976
On Trotskyism (book review)
Sept. 1976
The Soviet Union: State Capitalist or Socialist? (with Peter Binns)
Jan. 1977
February 1977
May 1977
May 1977
The Stalin Phenomenon (book review)
July 1977
July 1978
The Arms Race – The numbers game (as Fred Hall)
Sept. 1978
Natural laws rule, OK (letter)
Nov. 1978
Trotsky’s Marxism (book)
Feb. 1979
The Making of a Myth (book review)
Aug. 1979
Spring 1980
Trade Unionists and revolution – A response to Richard Hyman
April 1980
Where do we go from here? (interview)
Summer 1980
Eastern European class societies (letter)
Dec. 1980
Jan. 1981
A focus for anger? (interview)
Feb. 1981/Sept. 1985
The Labour Party: Myth and Reality (pamphlet)
Feb. 1982
The relevance of a revolutionary (book review)
Spring 1982
May 1982
Nov. 1982
Dec. 1982
E.H. Carr – Tell it as it is (obituary)
Feb. 1983
Essentially amorphous (book review)
March 1983
June 1983
Dec 1983
Class struggle, but no party! (book review)
Jan. 1984
The Federation (book review)
Jan. 1984
Ideas Without Action (book review)
Feb. 1984
Sept. 1984
Sept. 1984
Confusion Reigns (book review)
Oct. 1984
A Serious Study (letter)
The Comintern (book)
Mar. 1985
Fighting anti-communism (review)
Mar. 1985
Zero rating (review)
April 1985
Sept. 1985
Armed without an army (book review)
Oct. 1985
Down the line (book review)
Nov. 1985
Dec. 1985
Jan 1986
March 1986
Pioneers of the Tradition (book review)
April 1986
Reality, Not the Myth (book review)
June 1986
Sept. 1986
Mad dog days (letter)
Oct. 1986
The sad fate of British Trotskyism (book review)
Nov. 1986
Saving the system (book review)
Dec. 1986
March 1987
Wars within wars (book review)
May 1987
The proud tradition (book review)
July 1987
Absent Friends (book review)
July 1987
July 1987
Winter 1987
Comments on Base and Superstructure (letter)
Jan. 1988
Mar. 1988
Unworthy Opponents (book review)
Autumn 1988
Trotsky’s Heritage: On the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Fourth International
Oct. 1988
June 1989
Oct. 1989
Selected Memories (book review)
January 1990
Partial vision (book review)
April 1990
Night class struggle (book review)
June 1990
July 1990
Sept. 1992
The Road to Ruin (book review)
Feb. 1993
Schooled in the Struggle (book review)
April 1993
June 1993
Sept. 1993
The Shyster Lawyer (book review)
Oct. 1993
The making of a working class historian (obituary)
Feb. 1994
Running a temperature (book review)
June 1994
June 1994
Rum, Sodomy and the Lash (book review)
May 1995
A Soldier’s Story (interview)
24 May 1996
May 2000
Tony Cliff (obituary)
Feb. 2001
Swimming Against the Tide (interview)
Last updated on 25.11.2013