MIA: Comintern Writers: Communist Party of Great Britain: William Gallacher Archive




William Gallacher









1915: Clyde Workers’ Committee

1916: Prepare for Action, 8 January 1916
1916: German Gold on the Clyde, 15 January 1916
1916: A CALL TO ALL WORKERS, 29 January 1916

1917: Revolution

1921: Communists in Industry

1924: John MacLean
1924: Chairman’s Opening Address, Speech at the Sixth Conference of the Communist Party

1930: An Intimate Appreciation of Lenin

1924: Shapurji Saklatvala: 1874-1936
1937: Answer the Call of the Spanish People
1937: Against the British Plan to Divide Palestine

1939: The War and the Workers
1939: Reminiscences of Lenin

1940: The Communist Party and Peace

1943: Marxism and the Working Class

1949: Closing Remarks to the Twenty-First National Congress of the Communist Party

1953: Tribute to Stalin