MIA: Subject Archive: Women and Marxism: Clara Fraser
Clara Fraser
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Fraser was a long-time U.S. socialist-feminist, radical activist, and trade union organizer. Founder and leader of the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women. Author of numerous articles and the book Revolution, She Wrote.
How Marxists Think, 1955
Suppressed Facts Behind the Khrushchev Revelations, 1956
Dr. Zhivago: Dixiecrat of the Steppes, 1958
On the Threshold of a New Epoch, 1960
The Emancipation of Women, 1965
Men, Women and War, 1972
Woman as Leader: Double Jeopardy on Account of Sex, 1972
The Meaning of May Day for the '70s Generation, 1973
Which Road Towards Women's Liberation: A Radical Vanguard or a Single-Issue Coalition?, 1973
Response to "Notes on Leadership", 1975
Birth of a Column, 1978
Interview with a Native Woman Warrior, 1976
Male Marxists with a Freudian Hangover, 1977
Message to the Media, 1977
Media Revisited, 1977
Bread, Roses, and Heresy, 1978
The two "Julias", 1978
How Long, Oh Lords, How Long?, 1978
Welcome to L.A.!, 1978
Socialist Feminism: Where the Battle of the Sexes Resolves Itself, 1978
Of Hermits, Hedonists, and Related Narcissists, 1979
The Raw Courage of a Black Woman Writer, 1979
Sexual Economics, 1979
Shadows and Substances, 1979
A Socialist On Trial, 1980
The People vs. City Light, 1980
On the Dialectics of U.S. "Backwardness", 1980
Fighting Words on the Humanity of Marxism, 1981
On His Majesty's Secret Service, 1981
Adventures Among the Bureacrats, 1982
Betty Friedan: Exit Stage Right, 1982
Fourth of July Oration, 1982
Life and death in a New York Town, 1982
Gerry and Golda and Eleanor. . ., 1984
LaRouche: Sex Maniac and Demogogue, 1986
Showdown Time at City Light, 1986
No Place to Hide, 1987
The Man Who Could Be GOD, 1988
The Four Years of Living Dangerously, 1988
A Touch of Class, 1989
Say NO to Shamir and NO to Zionism!, 1989
Oppressions: The Capitalist Connection and the Socialist Solution, 1989
An Unvarnished Profile, 1989
A Half-Century of Struggle at Boeing, 1990
Time of the Whirlwind, 1990
Women: Motor Force of Soviet Survival, 1990
Camelot, Shamalot, 1991
Excerpts from an Affidavit, 1991
From the White House War Room to the Gulf Stream Waters, 1991
Long Arabian Nights, 1991
Beware of the Arkansas Traveler, 1992
Revenge of the Dykes, Choicers, Witches, Ghettoites and Single/Working/Welfare Moms, 1992
Stranger in a Strange Land, 1992
Thelma and Louise "R" Us, 1992
Ebony and Ivorythe Paradox and the Promise, 1993
The Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name in the Army, 1993
Socialism for Skeptics, 1993
More Socialism for Skeptics, 1994
Socialism for Skeptics III - Clans or Klans: Choose One, 1994
The Lady Vanishes: Where is the Nicole Brown Simpson Story?, 1994
Letters to a Young Relative, 1996
Valedictory of a Free Spirit, 1996
Forward to the Past: the New Puritanism, 1997
Capital's Labor Lieutenants and Socialist Sergeants: The Danger Within, 1997
Lenin & Liberals, Seattle Style, 1997