MIA: Comintern Writers: William Z. Foster Archive

William Z. Foster


William Z. Foster







1910: Spokane Fight for Free Speech Settled
1910: Special News from France
1911: The Socialist and Syndicalist Movements in France

1921: The Railroaders’ Next Step, Labor Herald Library No.   1

1922: The Crisis on the Railroads
1922: The Principles and Program of the Trade Union Educational League
1922: Bankruptcy of the American Labor Movement, Labor Herald Library No.   4
1922: Radical Tactics

1924: Russia in 1924, Labor Herald Library No. 11
1924: An Open Letter to John Fitzpatrick

1926: Strike Strategy, Labor Herald Library No. 18
1926: Program for the Needleworkers’ Union

1931: Victorious Socialist Construction

1932: Toward Soviet America

1935: The New Political Bases for a Labor Party in the United States

1936: The Industrial Union Bloc in the American Federation of Labor

1937: The Convention of the American Federation of Labor
1937: The Renaissance of the American Trade Union Movement
1937: Questions and Answers on te Piatakov-Radek Trial

1938: The Meaning of the Soviet Trials (written by E. Yaroslavsky but introduction by Foster).

1939: He Wrote His Name in the Heart of the Masses, tribute to Moissaye J. Olgin
1939: Lenin and Stalin as Mass Leaders

1942: From Defense to Attack

1945: On the Question of Revisionism (off site)

1952: History of the Communist Party of the United States (off site)

1954: The Negro People in American History, (200Mb) 1954

1955:The Role of Mao Tse-tung, from History of the Three Internationals



Comment on Foster by Max Eastman