Marxist Writers: Johann Georg Eccarius


Johann Georg Eccarius


Johann Georg Eccarius (1818-1889), tailor from Thuringia, Germany and journalist. Eccarius was a member of the League of the Just (the precursor of the Communist League) and later of the Communist League itself. From 1851 Eccarius lived in London where he worked closely with Marx and Engels. His series of articles entitled "A Working Man's Refutation of Some Points of Political Economy Endorsed and Advocated by John Stuart Mill" was written in collaboration with Marx. Eccarius was a member of the General Council of the International Working Men's Association (1864-1872), Vice-President (1864-1867), General Secretary (1867-1871), Corresponding Secretary for the USA (1870-1872) and Delegate to all the conferences and congresses of the First International until 1872. In 1872 Eccarius belonged to the reformist wing of the British Federal Council. In later years, Eccarius worked with the British trade-unions and subscribed to the liberal ideas that at the time were dominant there.

The Last Stage of Bourgeois Society, January 1851.

The Well-being of the Working Classes, September 1851.

A Working Man's Refutation of Some Points of Political Economy Endorsed and Advocated by John Stuart Mill, 1866/1867