MIA: Marxist Writers: Daniel Bensaïd


Marxists’ Internet Archive

Daniel Bensaid

Daniel Bensaïd



Gilbert Achcar:

Daniel Bensaïd – A revolutionary who fought steadfastly (International Viewpoint, January 2010)

Tariq Ali:

Daniel Bensaïd – French philosopher and leading figure in the events of 1968 (The Guardian, 14 January 2010)

Alex Callinicos:

Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010) (British Socialist Workers Party Website, 13 January 2010)

François Sabado:

Daniel Bensaïd – militant, intellectual, friend (International Viewpoint, January 2010)

Arnaud Spire:

Daniel Bensaïd, Militant and Outstanding Marxist Philosopher (L’Humanité, 13 January 2010)


Last revised on: 23 January 2010